Paani Partners with Afterfund to Create Funds that Perpetually Build New Water Wells and Provide Orphan Relief

2 min readOct 12, 2023


When we were just getting started with Afterfund, we enabled Muslims to perpetually provide new meals and education with their single donation.

It was an innovation crafted for our generation and our community responded because there was no accessible option before Afterfund.

But you thirst for more–and we could dig deeper.

We wanted our next fund to continue innovating beyond a standard waqf. At the same time, we wanted to build something based on Islamic traditions that exponentially increases good deeds.

And then we went to the ISNA conference in Chicago.

Among many passionate nonprofits, we met Paani, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Michigan that has built more than 14,000 water wells in Pakistan. They’ve already provided 1,000,000 people with clean water daily.

And they do not only create safe, reliable sources of water, but also provide orphan sponsorship programs in Pakistan, a country that has no national policy nor protective legislation in Pakistan for the protection of orphans.

It made perfect sense.

Paani could create a fund where a single donation constantly creates new water wells, making sure that the good deeds never run dry.

And Paani could create a fund where a single donation provides stipends not only for one orphan, but for generations of orphans, over and over again.

And this October, this idea became a reality, and these funds became available at

